Swatching: Cumbria

Cumbria was one of the many skeins of yarn I received as a gift this month. (Between Hanukkah, and Christmas, and my birthday, December is always busy.) I’ve been eyeing it for a while and was excited to swatch with it.



Despite the recommendation on the ball band for size US 6-8, I used size 4 needles to get a fabric that I liked for potential sweater knitting. I typically need to go down 1-2 needle sizes so that’s not too unusual.

Unblocked: 14 sts and 19 rows per 3”

Blocked: 12 sts and 20 rows per 3”

It should take me 5 skeins of yarn to make a sweater, at this gauge.


Ooh…this yarn is lovely. My iPhone camera doesn’t do it justice. The swatch has a lovely sheen; it’s a light purple with shades of gray.

Knitting with it feels like knitting with a pretty ordinary wool: nice, and definitely a step up from my usual, but it’s not particularly soft. The “sheepy” smell is pretty faint. It feels like it’ll hold up well to wear, and the drape is quite nice.

Would I like a sweater in this yarn? Yes, definitely, but it’s not a must knit for me yet.

I can get this at both and at my LYS, which is a plus.